Anna Gagarin is the loving matriarch of the Gagarin Family. Her life was full of love and passion. She had several affairs with Futurist and Contstructivist artist in the beginning of the 20th century.
She was in love with the Russian poet Vladimir Majakovski (born on July 19th, 1893 and died in Moscow on the April 14th, 1930). She gave birth to his son Boris. She called him ‘a cloud with trousers’.
After this love story, Anna Gagarin met the designer and artist Gustav Klucis in Italy.
His radical and political ideas were much too childish for her. After a period of love and passion Anna gave birth to his son. At that time they were in Italy, which explains his italic forms.
Anna once said that ‘Alexander fills mine construction with love...’ That phrase can be an explanation for the term Constructuvism as an art movement. Alexander was the great love of Anna.
She gave birth to their love-baby Dimitri Gagarin. That night Alexander designed his most famous poster. A decade before that Anna told it was ‘a time for a change’. In a local bar in Sint Petersburg she met Gregory Rasputin.
At that time Rasputin was a well known person and a respected member of the Sint Petersburg upper class.His diabolic character influenced Anna and after several months she gave birth to their son Kurt.
He inherited the main characteristics of his father.
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